Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Quran Urdu Tafseer Surah Hajj

Quran Urdu Tafseer Surah Hajj Verse 67 to End

If you want to learn quarn with urdu tafseer, this is the best place for you.This is the quran urdu tafseer of surah hajj verses from 67 to end.Watch and understand the words of Holy quran and make your way more brighter.Surah hajj is the 22 surah of Hoy quran.

Quran Urdu Tafseer Lecture - Group 1 - Surah Hajj (22) Verse 67 to End (Shirk Negated; Reason for Differences in God-sent Laws; from Khalid Zaheer on Vimeo.


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